The City of Sault Ste. Marie welcomes your participation and feedback in the development process of a Vacant Home Tax (VHT). Please consider attending the public open house and/or filling out the survey below.

Attend in-person at an Open House (come and go):

  • Date: Monday, September 23, 2024
  • Time: 4pm to 7pm
  • Location: Main Lobby, Civic Centre, 99 Foster Drive


Fill out the short VHT Survey:

Your input will help the City refine the VHT to meet the needs of the community. Thank you for your participation!

Question title

* Do you live in or own residential property in Sault Ste. Marie?

Select a response

Question title

What is your age?

Select a response

Question title

* Do you support the idea of a Vacant Home Tax (VHT)?

Select a response

Question title

Do you agree that the number of vacant homes in Sault Ste. Marie is negatively affecting the supply of affordable housing?

Select a response

Question title

* The City is currently considering a "complaint-based approach", where the City would be able to identify a home as vacant if notified through a tip or complaint. Do you support this approach?

Select a response

Question title

* If the City was to implement a Vacant Home Tax (VHT), what rate of tax should be applied? (For illustration purposes, assume a property with a $200,000 assessment value).

Select a response

Question title

The City may grant exemptions for vacant properties if they meet specific criteria. Select all exemptions to the Vacant Home Tax (VHT) that you support:

Select a response

Question title

If a property owner submits a deliberately false or misleading declaration of occupancy status in order to avoid the Vacant Home Tax (VHT), what amount should they be fined?

Select a response

Question title

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about a Vacant Home Tax (VHT) in Sault Ste. Marie?

Project Timeline

Draft Guidelines and Framework

The Vacant Home Tax Working Group (WG) will undertake a scan of the programs implemented in other Ontario municipalities. The WG will determine commonalities and best practices that can be utilized for the Sault Ste. Marie VHT.

Community Consultation

Engage the public to gather feedback on the tax rate to be used, the conditions of vacancy that will make a unit subject to the tax, exemptions, etc.


Develop VHT based on Community Input

Refine the proposed VHT methodology and criteria based on feedback gathered through the public consultation process.

Council Approval and Implementation

Present the recommended VHT to City Council for approval and, if approved, implement the tax in January 2025 for 2024 vacancies.


Who's Listening?

Steve Zuppa
Junior Planner, City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-759-5279

Lisa Petrocco
Manager of Taxation, City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-541-7065