Please read and provide input on the draft Housing CIP

The City is encouraging residents and stakeholders to share their views on the draft Housing CIP. Your input is a critical part of this process. A revised version of this draft CIP will be presented to Council in Summer 2024. 


Draft HCIP Cover


Download the 1-Page CIP Flyer

CIP 1-Page Flyer

Question title

Please leave a comment: Do you have any ideas or opinions about the draft Community Improvement Plan (CIP)? Share them below.

Have a look at the proposed Housing Community Improvement Project Area (CIPA)

The Housing CIPA is shown on the following map. The CIPA delineates distinct “Precincts”, or areas where financial incentive programs differ in eligibility or incentive value. Precinct 1 and 2 correspond to the City's Strategic Development Areas, and Precinct 3 represents the remainder of the City's Urban Settlement Area. The rural area of the City is not proposed to be a part of the Housing CIP.

Download a PDF of the Draft CIPA Area


Question title

Please leave a comment: Do you have any comments or opinions about the Community Improvement Project Area (CIPA) shown in the map? Share them below.

Have questions regarding the project? Get in touch with a member of the consultation team under “Who’s Listening?”.

Project Timeline

Develop a Housing Action Plan

City Council approved the Sault Ste. Marie Housing Action Plan 2023-2028. The Plan includes the Action "Provide Financial Incentives for Housing".

Consult with the Affordable Housing Task Force

The AHTF was convened over several months to assist the City in determining the financial incentives for housing, the eligibility criteria, the CIPA, etc. that are to be included in the draft CIP.

Develop a Draft CIP

Develop a Draft CIP Based on the AHTF recommendations as well as input from the community through the Grow the Sault public information sessions (November 2023) and community feedback opportunities.

Community Consultation

Consult with local stakeholders and the public.

Revise CIP based on Community Consultation

Analyze responses and revise the draft CIP based on stakeholder and community feedback.

Present CIP to Council for Approval

Anticipated for August 2024.


Who's Listening?

Steve Zuppa
Junior Planner, City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-759-5279

Planning Department
City of Sault Ste. Marie
Phone: 705-759-5368